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Love comeback: 10 easy tips to get your ex back in your life

Your partner broke up with you, but you want him back? Then you need to start right away with a smart plan to take back what you lost. We'll show you which laws you need to check and what you really shouldn't do anymore.

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"That's it!" Being left by a partner who used you is one of the scariest things in the world. You can't even think about what your life would be like without the person you love. Do you really want your friend to come back?

Don't be afraid, your chances are good. Of course, your partner has fallen in love with you before. Now it's up to you to get them interested in you again. With these ten ideas, you have a great chance of getting back together with an old love.

1. Do I really want my old friend back?

Before you try to get back together with your ex, you should stop and ask yourself: Do I really want him back, or am I just afraid of being alone? If you and your partner have been fighting and yelling at each other for months or even years, there may be good reasons to stop.

It's the same with cheating: If one partner has not just had an affair, but a real affair, and it was with friends or friends, there's usually no going back. If none of these things are true, then nothing can stop you from getting back together with your ex.

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2. Stop being a victim: Don't chase after her or him.

By breaking up with you, your partner has changed the way you feel about each other. As a person who has been left alone, you are now in a weaker role, or a victim role, and you need to get out of this as soon as possible. If you want your ex back, you should never do the following: Don't chase after him/her and stop whining in front of them right away.

There is nothing less attractive than showing the other character that you are weak and don't know how to get along without them. You should really only be given the option to "stay friends" if you no longer want anything from the other character.

It's hard to feel passionate love on this basis, and being close to your ex-partner all the time will only make you feel bad.

3. Don't say bad things about your ex.

When someone is left quickly, they get angry. Now, it's a very bad idea to talk badly about the ex, especially with people you both know.

Imagine that you got him or her back, but then friends told him or her about your hate speech. This can quickly drive you apart again, and there may not be a third chance for you to get back together.

4. Come up with a plan

After a breakup, your feelings will be all over the place. One minute you're sad and don't know what to do, the next you're mad and want to scratch your ex's car, and then there are small moments of happiness when you can't even look at your ex.

If you touched your ex-boyfriend at any of these times, it would only irritate him/her and make you mad in the end. That's why you need a good plan, and the first step is a strict lockdown.

5. Don't try to get in touch with your ex-partner.

You can only learn to understand many things when you don't have them. The same is true of love. Let your ex-partner miss you. To do this, you need to be strong and start a no contact right now.

The important thing isn't to always make a big deal about it ahead of time (how embarrassing would it be if you missed the party and got in touch with your ex-boyfriend first?) and give it your all for at least three weeks. While the other character talks first, the situation is different, of course. Don't forget about them, but show that you are strong and unbiased.

6. Be strong and unbiased

If your ex calls you, sends you a message on Whatsapp, or any other method, you shouldn't freak out. Stay real and friendly, and don't use the old nickname when you talk to or write to him or her. Stay in touch!

If you seem to run into each other, which you really should, don't stalk your ex! you have to come across as strong and fair to others.

You can do this by ending the encounter first, preferably because you need to move on to something else. If the ex-partner wants to get together again and talk for a long time, this is a great chance to get the feelings back.

7. How to get ready for the first meeting

It's a big job to get back together with the ex for the first time. You should get yourself in a great mood ahead of time so that you don't look like a sad sack. Dance to your favorite song or go for a run before the meeting. The other person has to realize that you have a lot of power and can handle things on your own.

At the meeting, it's likely that you won't be able to avoid talking about your broken relationship. Please don't blame the other person and don't bring up your problems from the past.

Of course, you need to plan ahead, so tell us something new or interesting about your life, like a new photography class you're taking or a concert you're going to soon. It is very important that these stories are true and stay true. At the end of the day, you don't want your ex to be interested in a fake, staged photo of you.

8. Confuse your ex-companion

So that your ex can see that you haven't just changed on the inside, you should also make some changes on the outside. For example, get a new haircut, start working out, and wear clothes that your ex doesn't know.

This shows him or her that you make other things that he or she doesn't know about yet. It makes you exciting, mysterious, and actually pretty. Use ABOUT YOU to find the best look for the primary assembly.

9. Don't make him or her angry or envious.

Making your ex jealous is a risky hobby that could quickly go wrong. This might also make your ex-boyfriend more likely to stand up for you.

But if you give the impression that you're not interested in a love comeback, he or she might react badly and pull away completely.

10. Take time for yourself during the break.

Yes, a breakup hurts and is sad, and at first it seems impossible to get over. It makes perfect sense that you want to see your ex again. But you can't spend all your time on the reconquest! Try to let go a little and start fighting for yourself and your own goals again.

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Spend time on friends, hobbies, and dreams that fell by the wayside while you were with your partner. It could also turn out that you don't want your ex back at all and that you already have a new partner who will make you much happier.

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